domingo, novembro 06, 2022


Should have brought a writing utensil.
Should have drawn all over the tables.
Should have sprained all the words, dividing them to new meanings.
Should have crashed the sky.
Should have sent it all falling down, restraining all sense of causality.
Should have fought the waves that crashed.
Should have proclaimed the end of the day.
Should have embraced fire.
Should have danced with sweet embrace.
Above all, should have chosen what was wrong, to try out all the steps that make a mountain.
Although in perspective, how will I know if my steps have been right?
Should have clashed with the clouds, bathing in the falling rain.
Should have asked for forgetfulness, as forgiveness is never tame.
Then with arms wide crossed, approach the world defenseless, in contrast to expectation.
Should have made allied of m my confusion so not to confuse myself in this tiring time.
Should have asked for more?
No, it makes no sense.
Shut your eyes, wide awake, twist again in the high tides of time.
Should have witnessed the passing sands.
Just sit down, expect a crowd of crows.
Listen not to the murder.